Saturday, January 29, 2011

Exhaustion and Ideas

So, where do I start?

The last couple of weeks has included lots of visitors, sickness, and participation in a 10.5 hour traffic pile up!

My mind hasn't had much time to think about Nudge Village, though I have tried to post a few entries here and there.

I'm left to question - how do I create enough interest and content to keep moving forward when life throws me "stuff" that requires time away from the business?


I keep coming back to a few things:
- Write a supply of daily nudges ahead of time and then click "publish" every few days.
- Give a few guest writers accounts so they can keep the site fresh while I'm out of commission.
- Plan my day better - take 15 minutes at the beginning or end (no matter what) to share and idea, thought or quote.
- Pull in content that I like from other sites when my brain is fried.

All good ideas and I'm not looking for one solution, but a "bag of tricks" to keep me going when the brain is empty.

Luckily, it is the weekend and I don't feel so hot and that means I'm here in bed with my laptop. And, believe it or not, I'm having ideas.

In fact, I put together another SlideShare presentation while I was laying here this morning. Not bad folks, not bad.

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